The Beloved Queens Podcast
This podcast is a safe space for women to find encouragement to navigate the transitions of life. The hosts are three Jamaican immigrant wives, mothers and business professional leaders in Atlanta. From the Caribbean queens, get ready for thought-provoking conversations, stories and tips to dispel relationship myths. The intention is to be real about what it takes to build healthy unique relationships as black women with yourself and those you love. You should listen if you are a woman who feels lost, overwhelmed, and needs help. If the cookie-cutter advice is not working for you. If research is not your thing, and if you're longing to leave the darkness behind and live in the light. Beloved, this podcast is for you.
34 episodes
Eps 19 - How to form Strong Bonds
Even the body needs atoms to form bonds. Both strong and weak bonds help the body to function optimally. As ladies too many of us are attracted to, and form weak bonds with guys that are not a fitting match. Some of us have fr...
Season 2
Episode 19

Eps 18 - Relationships: Bond or Time what matters most?
The Queens tackle this question, what do you think is more important, the amount of time you've spent together or the bond that you have? Rosalyn Robinson asked me to answer this question on her Facebook Page for a survey. Now we tackle i...
Season 2
Episode 18

Eps 17 - When Mother's Day is hard to celebrate
Mother's Day is the ultimate appreciation day for moms around the world. Everyone wants to treat their mom to something extra special. But not everyone can join in the celebration. For some, they are reminded of the loss...
Season 2
Episode 17

Eps 16 - Are you the bank?
Are you the one in the family that the family acts like you're the bank? You're trying to build your life, but it's hard because as you take a step forward, those in your family feel your success is their meal ticket. This discussio...
Season 2
Episode 16

Eps 15 - Can past money patterns affect future money moves?
Examine how your parents managed money. Did it rub off on you? Were you taught their good habits or did you just catch their bad ones? Queen Veronica leads a conversation with our listeners who call in on Clubhouse to share ho...
Season 2
Episode 15

Eps 14 - Money Flows
Is money flowing in your life or is there a clog? There are things that hinder the flow of money in our lives, the queens discuss how to unclog your stream.Listen. Comment. ShareQueen Shoutout: Billiboo... Be free to b...
Season 2
Episode 14

Eps 13 - Where did all the Money Go?
Money brings us security, opportunity, prestige but for far too many it's associated with fear. According to Mint, "Chrometophobia is the extreme fear of money. Also known as chrematophobia, it encompasses everything from the fear o...
Season 2
Episode 13

Eps 12 - Money & Relationships Real Talk
How adults handle money in their present stems from what they learned in the past. Patterns of misuse can become cycles of mismanagement. Queen Vee will guide the listeners whether married or single through handling finances fearles...
Season 2
Episode 12

Eps 11 - Money Talks... are you listening?
Some women are terrified of talking about money. Too often the topic has both men and women feeling awkward, uncomfortable and some are even defensive when finances are brought into the picture. Far too many avoid discussing financ...
Season 2
Episode 11

This episode is LIVE inside the Let it Go Queens event. Where women are vulnerable and open with patterns they have grown out of. Lead by Queen Trina for queens who need to take action in moving to the next level. F...
Season 2
Episode 10

Eps 9 - High Alert: Uncovering Fakeness
The documentary The Tindler Swindler reveals just how complicated the dating game can become. Educated women caught up in romance fantasy, can put themselves in so much danger. The Queens unpack this very sensitive topic so women ca...
Season 2
Episode 9

Eps 8 - Heartbreak: Swindled by my Prince Charming
If you've ever been intoxicated by love, where you feel butterflies, your knees get weak, someone claims you as their person, and LIFE is beautiful. You let your guard down, you trust, you're even talking about getting married and family....
Season 2
Episode 8

Eps 7 - Saying the words, "I love you" easy or weird?
Three words, I love you has left some people on cloud nine, while others when they hear immediately get into a defense position. Why are these words so loaded? Depending on the source, why do some people get so uncomfortable? ...
Season 2
Episode 7

The queens tackle love languages and how it played out in their childhood when their parents migrated to the United States. Immigration from Jamaica to the US is a two edged-sword, while parents travel to find a better life for their chil...
Season 2
Episode 6

Eps 5 - Everything you think about love is wrong!
If you've ever been in love, you know the drill, especially this Valentine's Day. But what many people don't know is everyone receives loves differently. The miscommunication behind so many relationships falling apart is people don'...
Season 2
Episode 5

Eps 4 - I'm in love
We've been created to give and receive love. Too often we give all our love away, while our tanks are running on empty. The Queens discuss strategies to avoid that.FEEL FREE TO SUPPORT OUR PODCAST AT THE LINK BELOW
Season 2
Episode 4

Eps 3 - What's killing you slowly?
Some vines are parasitic in nature. They connect to a tree, grow with the tree and even becomes one with the tree. The whole purpose... compete with the tree for light, so it can kill it! How many of us have become one w...
Season 2
Episode 3

Eps 2 - Help: Letting go is just too hard
Letting go is easier said than done. No one knows how deeply you were wounded. But why live at the scene of the crime permanently when you don't have to. The queens discuss how to get out of dodge for good!FEEL FREE...
Season 2
Episode 2

Eps 1 - Let it Go: Mistakes & Mistreatments
Has someone disappointed you and it's the hardest thing to forgive them? Have you been wronged or betrayed but perhaps that person is now dead? Do you continue holding on to the pain until you die? Or are you ready to let it go?&nb...

Season 2: Sneak Peak
The Queens are back for Season 2.FEEL FREE TO SUPPORT OUR PODCAST AT THE LINK BELOWMusic Credit:Envato Buyer Fee for purchase of "Live Love And Forgive - Music Broadcast License (1 Million)"...
Season 2
Episode 0

Full Circle
It's feedback time! We want to know how this podcast has helped you make changes to your relationships. Join the Queens as they discusses how to move forward with ones you love. Season Finale.FEEL FREE TO SUPPORT OUR PODC...
Season 1
Episode 13

Black Trauma
Black women are the most passionate people alive. Her face and body language, speaks louder than her words. Her emotional responses are often a language of how damaged she feels. Anger and bitterness can often be masked trauma...
Season 1
Episode 12

Too often as black women, we take on the role of superhuman. For some strange reason we believe our bodies are invincible, but that is a false belief. You my dear can break and if you don't stop right now and listen to the sirens go...
Season 1
Episode 11

The Broken Heart that Broke the Curse
The universal instruction that every parent teaches their children is make good choices. But sometimes as adults when life throws unexpected blows, some people go into autopilot and make a lifetime judgement, like "I will never love again...
Season 1
Episode 10